Ortho Evra is the medical name for “The Patch”. It is a thin, tan piece of plastic that looks like a small Band-Aid. The patch is applied to the skin and releases hormones that prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg. The hormones also thicken the cervical mucus, which helps block sperm from getting to the egg, and thins the lining of the uterus, which may prevent implantation. The patch is about 91% effective.

The Patch
STI reduction: None.
Less effort than the pill: It only needs to be changed once a week.
You should weigh less than 198 pounds: The patch is less effective if you weigh more than 198 pounds.
Smokers over 35, beware: If you’re over 35, smoking while using the patch increases your risk of certain side effects. And if you’re younger, why not quit now and save yourself the trouble?
If you qualify for the funding Haven Health has available, services may be provided at no cost. Qualification for programs depends on family size and income. Please call Haven Health at 806.322.3599 to determine if you qualify for the available programs.
The patch is simple to use. A new patch is applied once a week to the skin of the butt, stomach, upper outer arm, or upper torso for three weeks. Then no patch is applied for the fourth week.
Side Effects
Bleeding in between periods, sore breasts, headaches, nausea and vomiting, mood swings, decreased sex drive, irritation at the patch site and for a small number of women blood clots, or stroke. For smokers, the risk of cardiovascular problems is much higher.

Quick Facts
Easy to use, works like the pill, changed once a week.
The patch is really effective when it's changed on time each week.
Side effects
Nausea, irregular bleeding, sore breasts are the most common. In rare cases blood clots or stroke. See below for more information.
The patch needs to be changed once a week.
How do I get it?
The patch requires a prescription from a doctor or clinic.
STI reduction